„Science is about knowing. Engineering is about doing.“
Henry Petrosky
The technical world grows, it gets more and more sophisticated, and it changes at a fast rate. At TRISTONE , our R&D engineers and developers always go for the best possible solution, and an individual one for each of our clients. Product and process innovations are key for us in Tristone. This drives our experience in all the relevant fields of engineering have made us one of the world leaders. Our knowledge is a key factor for flexibility, reliability and cost effectiveness.
Automated Engine and Battery Cooling Production
Multi circuit / Modular Surge Tank
Fiber Technology

With our broad portfolio of innovative technology, TRISTONE offers complete and integrated Flow Technology solutions with high added value. The engineering for our customers is supported by experts through local offices.
Battery Cooling
Our battery cooling systems are state-of-the-art technology. Made to provide our customers maximum reliability, weight and cost reductions. And in a green world, this helps our environment.
And all this for a future with ever more electric power and hybrid systems coming, and the need to keep them cool. Electrifying, isn’t it?
Rubber hoses
Tristone is a market leader offering a full range of technologies and materials to customise product solutions within all specifications. Tristone continuously innovates, and it has secured major technical advances with many automated technologies including Creatube automated hose manufacturing, as well as mono, bi-layer knitted rubber hoses, short fiber reinforced monolayer hoses.

Plastic pipes
Plastic extruded pipes have been developed during the last decade to allow important weight and cost reductions as well as improved recyclability, as an alternative to rubber in specific applications. Tristone still maintains important investments in this technology and it is developing and proposing a large range of material solutions including mono- and multilayers.

Plastic Quickconnectors and housings
Today, Tristone is able to complement its production of assemblies with its own range of plastic quickconnectors and housings.

Surge tanks
Strong expertise in product design, with innovative concepts to optimize the hydraulic structure and package. And to offer better solutions like the multi circuit surge tank. Tristone's process solutions across semi-automatic and fully automated production cells are adapted to high volumes and quality levels with single digit ppm.

Engine Cooling
Engines and their sub-systems get ever more complex. The demand for packaging to save weight and space increases constantly. TRISTONE has the most advanced technology for that. We are a one of the market leader for all your cooling needs. Complexity made simple, robust, reliable and efficient. That is incorporated in our own developments as well as in those we co-create with our customers. So we have an incredibly wide range of complementary product as well as brain power ready to cool your engines down. Coolness redefined, that is.
Rubber hoses
Tristone is a market leader offering a full range of technologies and materials to customise product solutions within all specifications. Tristone continuously innovates, and it has secured major technical advances with many automated technologies including Creatube automated hose manufacturing as well as mono, bi-layer knitted rubber hoses, short fiber reinforced monolayer hoses.

Plastic pipes
Plastic extruded pipes have been developed during the last decade to allow important weight and cost reductions as well as improved recyclability, as an alternative to rubber in specific applications. Tristone still maintains important investments in this technology and it is developing and proposing a large range of material solutions including mono- and multilayers.

Today, Tristone is able to complement its production of assemblies with its own range of connectors.

Surge tanks
Strong expertise in product design, with innovative concepts to optimize the hydraulic structure and package. Tristone's process solutions across semi-automatic and fully automated production cells are adapted to high volumes and quality levels with single digit ppm.

Air guides
With its technical competence and expertise in air management and cooling, Tristone offers air guide solutions to optimise vehicle engine performance. Tristone integrates smart ideas in the process and is a key partner of automotive customers in the codesign of engineering proposals and cost reduction.

Water pipes
Tristone integrates and develops various plastic technologies including injection, 3D suction blow-moulding, extrusion and welding technologies to provide more solutions to water pipes design. This process flexibility is a key asset to meet new, demanding constraints on engine packaging.

To meet car builders' design expectations of increasingly complex engine cooling circuits, Tristone offers assembly solutions to a wide range of demands. Tristone develops its own solutions with the focus on quality, robustness and cost optimisation. As an example Tristone provides a plastic ring overmoulding solution that maintains extremely high levels of sealing even at -40°C allied with very impressive long-term ageing characteristics.

Air Charge
The material hostile environment of air charging has spread into regions of extreme cold, extreme hot and extremely high pressures. TRISTONE has mastered these demands with some first-time ever technologies, applying a unique mix of smart thinking with a wide range of materials. Especially in the fields of noise absorbing, high tech-materials and in meeting the ever increasing Euro VI challenges, we not only know. We do! Because engineering based on scientific experience and knowledge is an unbeatable combination.
Soft hoses
Tristone provides a wide range of high-temperature rubber hoses to meet the increase in working conditions of new engines of up to 220°C and 3.5 bars, with a broad list of compounds like: CR, CM, EAM, ACM, FPM, FPQM, FKM, etc. In parallel with its plastic technology, Tristone was first in the world to introduce the plastic 3D suction blowmoulded ducts to the market for cold side applications.

Rigid ducts
The focus is on flexibility by proposing the optimum solution to each application with respect to the high level of the working conditions. Tristone offers metal and plastic ducts from injection and 3D suction blowmoulding. The technology is selected and optimized with regard to the package, airflow performance and required function integration.

Our dedicated team of acoustic and airflow experts offers smart solutions for the acoustic treatment of aircharge systems, e.g., turbo noise absorbers to treat large band acoustic demands. Using its plastic injection technology expertise coupled with strong experience of FEA and welding processes, Tristone is continuously developing high quality products with high-tech materials in order to meet the Euro VI challenges.